1 |
Place pretzel sticks in a bowl. |
2 |
Place the milk chocolate in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave it for 30 seconds. Remove and stir the chocolate. Repeat this process one more time or twice until all the chocolate has melted. |
3 |
Break the pretzel sticks into smaller pieces and mix it with the melted chocolate. Stir in the pretzels, ensuring each stick is evenly coated. |
4 |
Moving quickly, on a wax paper, place small amounts of this pretzel mixture to form nests. |
5 |
Quickly press 3 malt eggs on each of the nests. (before the chocolate starts to set) Allow them to harden at room temperature for about 20-30 minutes . |
6 |
Gifting Idea:
Wrap each nest individually in cellophane paper and tie a ribbon bow. Gift them to your friends and dear ones!